11:30PM Living Single
6:00AM A Different World
6:30AM A Different World

Whew, things are heating up!

As the third episode of The One aired last night, both our bachelor, Brent Underwood, and our bachelorette, Ashley Evans had to make some very tough choices.

Kicking off the episode, Kirk and Tammy Franklin brought in our girl Syleena Johnson as a special guest to uplift and inspire Brent and Ashley.

Syleena who also has a bit of dating experience under her belt, served as the perfect example of finding love. After a few failed relationships, Syleena decided to be herself while she was on the first date with her now-husband of 15 years.

“I did the dating thing, a long time ago. But I kept getting it wrong, so I gotten so tired of getting my heart broken and it just not working out, my husband that I’m with now, he reached out to a friend to date me. From the first date, I decided I’m not doing this ‘dressing up thing.’ so I put on a jogging suit and on the booty it said ‘Dangerous.’ So, we went down to the Cheesecake Factory, and I didn’t like what I ordered, so I ate off of his plate,” she shared.

Needless to say, after being completely honest with him, Syleena stated her requirements and what she’s looking for in a partner and explained that if they aren’t on the same page, they can just end things now. And 15 years later, they gotten married and has been happy ever since.

“Her approach was extreme, but I liked it,” Tammy stated, reflecting on Syleena’s sound advice. “Presenting your expectations upfront is just so important. And I think women, often times without knowing, you learn how to hide. And because I sense that in Ashley, I’m hoping that I guide her through this process to free her of that thinking.”

After hearing the gems that Syleena dropped, Brent and Ashley both took in the tip of expressing their wants right out the gate.

Ashley was excited to be a gladiator on her third date, with Jason, an outgoing/outspoken 41-year-old police officer, and Marcus, a reserved 41-year-old finance manager. She decided to make a point not date any man that doesn’t prioritize his health, as fitness has become a part of her lifestyle.

Jason came in super enthused to meet Ashley, work out and have fun on their date, while Marcus sweetly brought Ashley flowers. As both of Ashley’s dates turned out to be gentlemen, we were curious on who she would choose to move into the mansion.

For his third date, Brent had an adventurous trampoline date. He met a friendly 37-year-old radio host, Jazzy, and 37-year-old administrative assistant, Tiffany who is more reserved, and chill.

Brent admits that it’s pretty flattering to have two women essentially competing for his attention.

The dinner date went preeeety interesting!

Brent felt that Tiffany was paying attention to everyone, and everything except for him, while Jason came to the dinner late, with flowers, and ready to party will downing his drinks.

Marcus came out of his shell, and shared his strong opinions over how he views marriage, which was totally different from Ashley’s view. While Jason openly admitted that he cheated and was flirting with Tifanny.

You know we had to check and share our favorite fan tweets as we all watched everything go down!



Let us know if you agreed with Brent’s and Ashley’s decision. Were you shocked by who they moved into the mansion? Be sure to watch an all-new episode of The One, Thursday, June 8th to continue to watch Brent’s and Ashley’s journey to finding their special person. 

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