6:00AM A Different World
6:30AM A Different World
7:00AM The Cosby Show

It keeps getting juicer by the episode!

As The One episode 108 aired, we saw that the fans had a lot to say on Twitter about what went down, and we can’t blame you! For those who missed it, let’s get you caught up.

Things got tense between our bachelor, Brent, and Ashley’s suitor, Brian over it was “goofy” to question your partner if someone of the opposite sex calls your partner’s phone.

While everyone was processing the heated exchange, Jazzy and Brent shared his bed as she was comforting him.

After learning what transpired between Jazzy and Brent, Brent’s suitor, Mieka came to Ashley a bit heartbroken. Ashley then brought it to Brent’s attention, after he apologized for snapping on her during his argument with Brent.

Brent believed that everyone should focus on themselves, after insinuating that Mieka was jealous. YIKES!

After realizing the fallout from last night’s interactions, Kirk and Tammy Franklin put on their guidance hats on and came to give our bachelor and bachelorette some wisdom on how they can move forward with the process. And man, did they drop some GEMS!!

Kirk disclosed his disappointment in Brent, and Brent was open to the criticism to move forward in the best light.

As the day continued, everyone tried to smooth things over by doing group activities together, by playing football.

Brent and Brian squashed their beef, after having a much-needed conversation. As they had their conversation, Adebiyi and Ashley finally had their one-on-one. And it looked like their chemistry was undeniable!

As the ladies get together, Mieka and Jazzy had to agree to disagree to whether or not Brent and Jazzy were in the wrong for sleeping in the bed together.

The eliminations came and things took a turn! Ashley chose to keep Steave in the mansion, leaving Donte getting eliminated. Mieka was also sent home, leaving various people to feel differently about the situation at hand.

Ashley disappeared after doing the very thing she condemned Brent for, (having a suitor in her bed). Next week we’ll find out why she left.

You know we had to tap in with you all on Twitter to see your feelings about the episode! Check out some of our favorite tweets from last night’s conversation.



To continue to the conversation, what are your thoughts on last night’s episode? Do you think things will continue to heat up as the competition continues to get fierce? Be sure to sound off in the comments. 

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