11:00PM Living Single
11:30PM Living Single
6:00AM A Different World

The competition is getting fierce!

As we are coming closer to finding out who Ashley and Brent will choose as their “one,” things are getting tense in The One Mansion.

As each of the suitors takes turns posing for a private high-end photo shoot with our bachelor and bachelorette, the group compares their unique chemistry with Brent and Ashley. And when Ashley takes offense during a game night, the atmosphere in the mansion flipped like a switch as a result of her response.

But before we get into it, let’s backtrack and dissect the episode from the beginning.

The day starts off with Ashley meeting up with the Franklins!  As you recall, Ashley needed time to regroup and collect herself after a difficult time. Our bachelorette informed Kirk and Tammy that she wasn’t taking care of her basic needs, and with her guilty conscience of pulling a Brent, she admitted to having Matthew in her room.

And we loooved how Kirk and Tammy guided Ashley to give herself grace, and forgive herself! It even led us to hear Ms. Ashley admit that she has feelings for Matthew.

The Franklins also got the scoop from their time with Brent. And they jumped straight into the question, “who have you kissed?” And Brent had us cracking up with him trying to recall who he kissed in the mansion. And to our surprise, Brent hasn’t done any heavy kissing. Talk about growth!

To get the day officially started, Brent and Ashley’s suitors must take the best couples’ photos with our bachelor and bachelorette. And the competition got intense rather quickly, because everyone looked amazing and brought their A-game.

Kicking off the daily competition, was Brent and his ladies. These ladies turned their chemistry up as they took turns taking their photos. There was some speculations that Melisa, aka Lisa Lisa knew what Brent was wearing at the shoot and tried to sabotage Rychie’s shot of winning the challenge.

Adebiyi aka Adi was unable to take his photos with Ashley, because he attended his brother’s wedding in Mexico. However, that didn’t stop him from FaceTiming Ashley to not only check on her, but to introduce her to his family! The moment was beyond sweet to watch.

And the fellas definitely, showed up and out for their lady when it was their turn to take photos with Ashley! But Shuvar wasn’t playing, he turned up the heat a whole other level.

As Brent had some down time, he decided to have some one-on-one time with Ashley J. 

She expressed her concern of wanting more time with the bachelor, and he made it clear that she has his attention before they started kissing!

But the fun didn’t stop there,as the day was winding down Ashley decided to create a guess who’s secret based game with everyone.

The game was going fairly well, everyone was laughing and joking. Until, she had a juicy secret of hers exposed, which left her feeling that everyone else shared “soft” secrets. We began to see a different side of Ashley…

The game night continued and everyone decided to play an imitation based game to give everyone a chance to laugh at themselves.

Meka’s imitation of Ashley, caused Ashley to completely remove herself to collect her thoughts.

You know we have to see what you all had to say about the moment! Check out some of our favorite tweets from last night’s conversation.

*Cues music* Let’s gooooo!

The Franklins STAY FLY at all times!

Kirk Franklin is beyond hilarious at this point in the game!

Yesss, Brent is showing major growth. And we are truly here for it.

Everyone was dressed to the NINES last night! We see y’all.

Ade’s family is adorable. We can tell that Ade really wants to be Ashley’s man.


Steave has jokes!

Game night was really interesting last night…


But here comes our guy Matthew to the rescue!

Steave shocked us with that confession!

Do you think Ashley was wrong for getting upset? Do you think the mansion’s dynamic will go back to being light-hearted? Let us know below.

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