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Holiday Spending Tips | Money Monday

Family Emracing Christmas Morning

Source: RyanJLane / Getty


All right, good people for money. Monday, we’ve got a business coach, Dave Anderson, the business bully who’s been with us before. Dave’s all about helping small and mid-sized businesses make smart moves. Welcome back, Dave!



Thank you for having me, Erica. Good. 



Absolutely awesome. Good morning. So with the holiday season upon us, many people are navigating expenses and budgeting from a financial perspective. What are some key tips you’d share to help our listeners make good decisions during the holidays? 



Well, Erica, let’s just be honest. Everybody feels pressure at this time of the year because everything’s commercialized. Everything is get. This gotta have that do. Let’s do that. So the first thing I’m going to tell everybody is relax calm down. These companies are trying to make money off of you what you need to do is start prioritizing who’s important, and even when it comes to your, your kids or your loved ones, I have what I call the rule of four. You give them four gifts, something they want, something they need something to wear and something to read. Everybody else gets a card.  Maybe the people who on kind of the periphery of your life, maybe you’ll get them a Starbucks gift card, but don’t go breaking your neck. The best thing to do right now is take caren of you and yours and enjoy the time with your family. 



That’s such a great way to avoid over spending. Tell us. Tell us some other ways that we can avoid overspending.   



Honestly, you know, the Bible says listen in your hand. I’m gonna need you to open up your banking app And look at what’s in your bank account, right?  That’s what you could do.  So and then if your bills haven’t been paid yet, let’s pay the bills and then we can work from what we actually have. The other thing is why are we decorating the entire house for two hours when you know good and well, you gonna go over to grandma and them. You know. You gonna Auntie Janie, you know? Cause Janie make the good macaroni and cheese. Got the bingo wings flapping when she saw the pot.   



Dave, you on my toes. Now hold it. Now watch it then right? I was. I was about to say you gotta talk to you. Got to talk to Mrs. Griffin dog about I’ve got 2 Christmas trees. 

The weekend to put the house together. Don’t belittle her. Don’t belittle her Christmas decorations, dog.  Come on,  



Listen, if they’re just gonna win their first prize in the Christmas decorating contest. I’m all for it. But let’s not go all out every year we gotta get 3 trees with the flock on it every year? 



I gotta. I gotta fake tree! Yeah, you, you talking to the wrong radio show dog. We listening? Wait,  let him give the tips, OK? 



Here’s the thing, here’s the thing. Even with that, Eric’s got 2 trees. No, nothing wrong with that, missus Goodson decides to to deck the halls. That’s cool, but get the big things that are expensive, but the little stuff. The Garland and all of that stuff. You can go to. You can go to Family Dollar. You can go to dollar trees. You can go to Big Lots and they have phenomenal things for not a lot of money so that you’re being smart with how you decorate if you’re going. 



Cards can be tempting during the holiday season. What advice would you give to people who want to get cards just for this season?  



I would avoid it. I would avoid it because what’s happening is people don’t realize in three years the majority of Christmas gifts that are going to be bought this year are going to be in the trash anyway. So why are we going to go into debt to buy things that people aren’t going to hold on? I’m going to tell you somebody who lost his grandmother and his brother recently that the things that I hold on to are not the things that they gave me from the financial perspective. It’s the time spent. It’s the memories. It’s the last. That’s what this spirit is about and we do not need the spirit of keeping up with the Joneses or the Jenkins or anybody that going else we need to keep up with the spirit of loving our families  


Follow Dave on social media @TheBusinessBully




Holiday Spending Tips | Money Monday  was originally published on getuperica.com