11:00PM Uncensored
6:00AM A Different World
6:30AM A Different World

With all the drama surrounding Flint, Michigan and their overdue water crisis, the city is finally about to see a resolve.

A Black-owned construction firm, W.T. Stevens Construction, has recently been contracted to replace over 18,000 contaminated pipes in the area:

According to reports, the construction firm, owned by retired NBA player Jeff Grayer and overseen by his wife Rhonda Grayer, was one of four companies (and the only Black company) to be awarded the multi-million dollar service contract. The firm, made up of only 25 employees, say that this is their biggest contract yet:

“This is the biggest project our company has ever done and as a result of the water line contract our gross revenues have increased by about 70 percent.”

So far the company has replaced 800 pipes  and plan to have the full 18,000 to be replaced by December 2019.

For those who don’t know, Flint Michigan has been dealing with this issue since 2014, when  Gov. Rick Snyder switched the water supply from the Detroit water system to the Flint River, a body of water including trash, iron, and other pollutants.

“This is home for me and my family and I wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing as a person or as a businessman, says Grayer.

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