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Photo by Mark Mirko/Hartford Courant/TNS via Getty Images

Monday December 18th was the court date for the white former Connecticut university student accused of smearing body fluids on her black roommate’s belongings. The defendant, 18 year-old Brianna Brochu, pleaded not guilty and successfully avoided hate crime charges.

In response to the outcome representatives of the NAACP protested outside Hartford Superior Court as reported by the Hartford Courant.

A group of demonstrators before a hearing in Connecticut Superior Court for Brianna Brochu, the former University of Hartford student accused of tampering with her roommate’s utensils and other items. (Mark Mirko/Hartford Courant/TNS via Getty Images)

“We are very very disappointed with the protesters … not pressing this case hard enough,” said NAACP President Scot X. Esdaile. “They are not making this an urgent matter from where we sit.”

He also complained about the continuance.

“We expect [the prosecutors] to fight on behalf of the people of our community,” he said. “This is a hate crime. Let’s stop playing games. Let’s stop pushing this away.”

For more information on this story check out our article from when it broke last month.

TELL US: Do you think she should have been charged with a hate crime?

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