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Photo via Facebook/Fox 8 News

Imagine traveling on your honeymoon with your new spouse, and returning without him or her. That is the devastating reality Corey Oswell faced and has dealt with since the death of his wife after an American Airlines flight home from Hawaii in 2016.

Photo via Facebook/KFOR-TV

Brittany Oswell, a young black woman, complained of dizziness, fainted on the plane, and “vomited and defecated all over herself and the lavatory” according to a statement obtained by CNN. Doctors advised pilots to make an emergency landing so she could receive proper medical care, but they refused. The 25-year-old was transported to the hospital when the plane finally landed but died after three days on life support. Now, her husband and the family is suing the airline for her wrongful death.

“The family wants something (they) can’t have, and that’s Brittany back. But we are interested in how American intends to speak to the issues that lead to the circumstance that took Brittany’s life and the pilots’ decision making,” said the family’s lawyer, Brad Cranshaw, to CNN.

WFSA reports the family is seeking damages for emotional distress, anxiety, and grief. The local news station also obtained a statement from American Airlines that reads:

“We take the safety of our passengers very seriously and we are looking into the details of the complaint.”

It’s clear that they didn’t take Brittany’s safety seriously, because of their refusal to land. Why wasn’t her life seen as important enough to stop the plane?

TELL US: Is the airline to blame for Brittany Oswell’s death? Let us know your thoughts.

Black Lives That Should’ve Mattered
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