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Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Janet Jackson opens up about her lifelong struggle with depression in her recent interview with Essence Magazine.

“I struggled with depression. The struggle was intense,” Jackson shares about life in her thirties. “Low self-esteem might be rooted in childhood feelings of inferiority. It could relate to failing to meet impossibly high standards. And of course, there are always the societal issues of racism and sexism. Put it all together and depression is a tenacious and scary condition. Thankfully, I found my way through it.”

When most people think of Janet Jackson, they think of her soft-spoken nature, which completely transforms when she gets on stage and captivates millions. Her inability to maintain “happiness” is never one of the things that come to mind. But, like so many of us, Jackson sometimes feels happiness is “elusive” and the second we feel close to it, we are detoured.

However, Jackson is fighting this battle and rediscovering her happiness. Her relationship with God, the people she surrounds herself with, and the birth of her son have all helped her to overcome this lifelong battle.

“The height of happiness is holding my baby son in my arms and hearing him coo, or when I look into his smiling eyes and watch him respond to my tenderness,” Jackson says. “When I kiss him. When I sing him softly to sleep. During those sacred times, happiness is everywhere. Happiness is in gratitude to God. Happiness is saying, ‘Thank you, God, for my life, my energy and my capacity to grow in love.’ ”

We can all learn a little something from Jackson, starting with being gracious for what is right in front of you.

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