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Photo via ABC News via Jody Pottingr

After going to visit his grandmother’s house in Brooklyn on Tuesday, 11-year-old Cameron Jean-Pierre reportedly died of an asthma attack after a severe allergic reaction to fish that his aunt and grandma were cooking on the stove.

“Cameron was full of life. He was such a great kid,” his mother, Jody Pottingr said of her only child.

Steven Jean-Pierre, Cameron’s father was with him during his final moments. He recalls that his son started to wheeze after smelling the fish fumes of the cod that was cooking, so he reached for his son’s asthma medication. But unfortunately, his nebulizer wasn’t enough to help him while he was gasping for air, so his father called 911.

According to his dad, the young boy’s last words were: “I love you, Daddy. I love you. I feel like I’m dying.” Cameron was rushed to Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn and was pronounced dead.

Steven recalls this situation was out of the ordinary from other allergic reactions his son has had in the past: “I’m just devastated by the situation right now, it just happened so sudden. I gave him the nebulizer, the machine that he usually takes if something like this happens, so it was a normal situation. But for some reason, he said it wasn’t giving him enough air at the time.” Watch this video of Jean-Pierre remembering his beloved son, and detailing what really happened:

Jody revealed that the sixth-grader was first diagnosed with a fish allergy when he was in kindergarten and threw up after being served fish sticks for lunch.

Once news hit about the passing of the honor-roll student at Theodore Schore Middle School in Piscataway, New Jersey, teachers were heartbroken, according to his mother: “I called the school and told the counselor what happened and she called me back and said, ‘I went to each teacher individually and told them what happened and they were all devastated because they all loved Cameron.’ [The teachers] said, ‘Cameron is such a good kid here and we all had such high hopes for him.'”

The investigation is still ongoing to see if Cameron’s death was due to inhaling fish fumes, or another cause.

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