6:00AM A Different World
6:30AM A Different World
7:00AM The Cosby Show

Photo courtesy of CBS This Morning Twitter

Wednesday morning CBS This Morning host Gayle King sat down with R. Kelly in his first interview since being released from prison last month to address the decades-long accusations of sexual abuse, the infamous Surviving R. Kelly docuseries and the more recent claims of holding women in a sex cult. In the hour and 20-minute interview, the singer lashed out at the allegations, at one point even yelling to the camera screaming, “I’m fighting for my f**king life.” And when asked if he’d ever had sex with anyone under the age of 17 — his answer may shock you. Watch below.

King also asked the 52-year-old about going to therapy and what he would say to his daughters if they came to him with the same allegations he’s facing.

Kelly even opens up about the sexual abuse he experienced as a child from the ages of seven to about 14, whom his older brother Carey says was at the hands of their sister Theresa. He even spoke on the #MuteRKelly movement and desiring a relationship with his children (his daughter spoke out in January).

And the interview doesn’t stop there. On Friday, King sits down with two of the alleged victims, Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary, that live with Kelly and whose parents say he’s holding them against their will. Watch.

Yeah, this is going to be tough. Kelly is due in court on March 22.

TELL US: Do you think Kelly sitting down for a televised interview was the best choice?

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